Monday, January 30, 2012

Where did Christianity go wrong that Santa Claus becomes the object of worship for Christmas and not Christ?

Why does Santa have to jingle his bells with gay abandon and a devilish laugh of Ho Ho Ho on the Silent Night on which Jesus was born so that Christians can make complete fools of their innocent children?

If Santa is Father Christmas then who is the father of Jesus?

CHRISTMAS IS LIKE SANTA CLAUS! You know the Fatman is a fake and a big fat lie but you go along with it anyway as you deceive innocent children and make them future liars to their own innocent children

The Dictionary of the Bible says that: By the 5th. Century, the Church (of Rome) had concerned itself enough to have set December 25 as the date of Jesus’ birth. This had been the date of the Festival of the Sun God Zeus and to the Christians a greater light was come, Jesus Christ, the true light of the World.

The Romans worshipped Zeus and Zeus is seen in The Acts of the Apostles (14:12-13). Mithra was a son of Zeus, but is Jesus Zeus come down as his own son? And Sunday is for worship of the Sun God Zeus.

Where did Christianity go wrong that Santa Claus becomes the object of worship for Christmas and not Christ?
santa is about fun that jesus bloke is all about death thats why santa is more popular
Reply:only in America baby. TV has taking over our minds, and because we are so materialistic. insted of reaching for the stars we reach for the stars
Reply:Yeah. Why would anyone believe in the literal existence of a mythological figure who loves everyone, watches over all of us, judges us by standards of good and evil, and rewards us accordingly?
Reply:They are all stories and should be treated as such. The only thing to celebrate would be the actual occurance of the changing of the seasons at this time of year. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year and the first day of winter. That is what people have been recognizing all these years with every single one of these stories, no matter how they translate literally.

The new light is the coming of the longer days.... the sunlight. That's it. The Santa story was based on the old Pagan story of the Holly King who was supposed to have battled the Oak King on this day and the Holly King (the Santa Claus figure) wins and winter begins. The coldest days arrive, yet it birngs the return of the sun.

There have been countless myths and stories and people pick and choose their favorites and ones that are fun and exciting to tell their children. Children are thrilled by the Santa stories and, therefore, they are perpetuated. Simple as that.
Reply:Merry Christmas dumbo!!!
Reply:Ditdo to answer #1
Reply:Do you believe there is a god? Do you believe that his son was Jesus? Was Jesus the Gift that god gave the world. Does Santa give gifts (according to the stories)?

Santa was some norwegic (one of those swedish sounding places) man who brought toys he literally made to children at Christmas time to commemorate the gift that god gave the world (jesus). He actually did have a sleigh that was pulled by reindeer. The bells were put on reindeer so that they could be found if they got lost. Like farmers putting bells on cattle. The flying sleigh was improvised into the story to explain how Santa (the saintly person) was able to deliver toys to all the good boys and girls (an incentive for kids to be good). The goodness of one man and a deity have just been rolled into one tradition which commemorates the gift of jesus to man. Either way. Kids get a G-rated entry into Christian religion that won't bore or otherwise disenfranchise them to the story of the birth of Jesus.

That is my answer.

My opinion is this. The story of God and Jesus is probably less real than the good deeds of Saint Nicholas. Enjoy the season, eat some gingerbread, laugh with your family, and shut the **** up.
Reply:I have never knows Christians to worship Santa.

Sorry if you attend the First Church of Santa, consider making a switch
Reply:Santa Claus

Originally Saint Nicholas; a Byzantine Christian Bishop of Myra.


Born while his parents were traveling to the town of Josephs birth in order to complete the Roman Census. That census only took place one time in the Palestine; March of 4 A.D.


Son of Ahura Mazda; Zoroastrian belief

Official deity of Constantinople and Emperor Constantine

Born on December 25th

Christians of Constantinople;

Legalized by Emperor Constantine on two conditions;

1- They worship on Sunday instead of Saturday

2- They celebrate December 25th as "the most holy day".
Reply:In my home Jesus comes first in all things.

Sure my kids get presents and some are from Santa but they know and understand that the celibration is for Jesus.

They also know that he was born to die for them and that without that they could not know God.

Merry Christ mas
Reply:Oh dear, to much reading, but I get the first bit.

It is up to parents to teach their kids as they wish and see fit. If you teach your kids that xmas is "Jesus's birthday"- as I do, then they will respect this and know what xmas is all about. It starts at home. Anyway, what's your problem with santa? In this bleak, negative and aggresive political-religion-filled world of ours a little bit of santa, toothmouse and easter bunny brightens up the day. AS LONG AS WE REMEMBER TO TELL THEM ASBOUT WHO';S BIRTHDAY IT IS AND SO FORTH...
Reply:Thank you for such information ,that I was vaguely aware of. In Bethlehem ,in December is too cold for being born and at a stable? dont think so, you are right ,all this December celebration has more to do with the pagan Roman gods than with the Jewish Rabbi who made a revolution of the sayings of the prophets! Jesus of Nazareth was most likely born in the month of August ,his fiery temperament as the writtings of the gospels tell ,attest to this. I believe Jeshua was really fighting for the liberation of his country ,the only way he knew ,throught the sayings of the old prophets , the Jewish law, the Roman Catholic Church made him to who he is for their convenience these past two thousand years! Jeshua a prophet? yes. a son of God? yes ,then we all are sons of God! We need to translate the original writtings ,especially the gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene ,as they were written back then , the outcome wiil be totally different. Amen.

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