Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do you know what Christmas is really about?

That the timing of the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ occurs in the Yule season is no coincidence. Christmas was once a movable feast, celebrated many different times during the year. The decision to establish December 25 as the "official" date of Christ's birth was made by Pope Julius I in the fourth century AD, hoping to replace the pagan celebration with the Christian one, since this date coincided with the pagan celebrations of Winter Solstice with the Return of the Sun Gods occurring throughout the world.

Numerous Christmas traditions derive from the earlier pagan celebrations. Yule, celebrating the birth or rebirth of a god of light, made use of fire, both in candles and the burning of a Yule log. The Christmas tree has its origins in the practice of bringing a live tree into the home so the wood spirits would have a place to keep warm during the cold winter months. Bells were hung in the limbs so you could tell when an appreciative spirit was present. Food and treats were hung on the branches for the spirits to eat and a five-pointed star, the pentagram, symbol of the five elements, was placed atop the tree.'s_box...

Do you know what Christmas is really about?
Yes, I knew.

December 25 was the Roman's Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, or "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun." Many Christians had been participating in this happy holiday which is why the Church chose to eclipse that date with their own rites.
Reply:Presents and Santa and reindeer!
Reply:Thanks for sharing all this wealth of info! Knew all of it, but nice to read it here on Y/A. I might add, it is a spiritual time of year for people/friends/relatives to get together and wish each other joy, love and peace, share a glass of wine and visit with each other in our hectic lives. I bring out ornaments that were collected for years that hold precious memories to once again hang on a freshly cut tree. Blessings to all.
Reply:awe I didnt know that about the wood spirits....

sweet !
Reply:Pretty smart of the Pope ,huh? Jesus was probably born in the fall around the end of September 2 B.C. Thank God ,Jesus chose to take on a "tent" of human flesh,live as a man and die for our sins.Now ,we can thank Him and have fun and Santy Clause and all that good stuff too!!

All that Pagan crap only has power if you give it power.Otherwise,throw on the Yule log ,break out the egg nog and let's party!!

Thank You Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is the same with Halloween.Change the name to "Costume Day" and now the same damn holiday is a harmless candy getting day.
Reply:Well I was going to answer...pagan..solistice..pope julius...yuletide...

But you've answered it yourself in the question.
Reply:Did you know that the symbols still touch the inner phyche in the same way. That is why they were adopted. If the old pagan Gods had not gotten stagnent they would not have been replaced. Obviously people needed a change.

Maybe we need another but I hope its something New.
Reply:Oh cool! I didn't know about the tree, thanks (((UC)))
Reply:The nativity of our Lord and Savior, hence the word Christmas.

The date is irrelevant, Christians only observe a specific time of the year to worship the advent and birth of our Lord; just as every Sunday is a remembrance of the Resurrection not just Easter Sunday.
Reply:It's about thinning our wallets while fattening our bellies?
Reply:does the Bible not talk against bringing a tree into your home. perhaps in Deuteronomy. god was disgusted with them bringing trees into their home and decorating them

Reply:Any holiday is what you make it.
Reply:I'm with Dutchess... giftmas is shopping time!
Reply:That,s the time we honor Christ on his birthday,,even if it

is the wrong date,that is what we have and my family

do celebrate on this day to honor that little baby born in

a manger so long ago and later died for you and me.
Reply:yes Eienstien
Reply:That was great. Much of that I did not know.
Reply:yup, knew that
Reply:You believe everything that you read?

At least you didn't try to tie it into Saturnalia.

get well flowers

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