Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So, here is a theory about Catholics fulfilling Revelation 17. Could they be the beast system?

Revelation 18:9-10 says ""When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry:

" 'Woe! Woe, O great city,

O Baby-lon, city of power!

In one hour your doom has come!'

Revelation refers to 2 Baby-lons, a religious system and a political system. I will show you why the religious system is Vatican City.

Beginning of Catholicsm was in Rebellion. Genesis 10:6 talks about Nimrod and Babel. They went east, as far from the the light of G-d as they could get.

In Genesis 11 they sought another way to G-d. They wanted to build a city that reached heaven. Like catholics feel their good works can save them, when the Bible says you MUST be born again.

Nimrod married Samarimus. She saw herself as G-d and her son Tammus as the Messiah. They made themselves the object of worship. The woman holding the baby was the symbol of this mother child cult.

This symbol is still used by the Catholic church today, as Mary and Jesus.

Samarimus saw herself as G-d and taught that she was the queen of heaven. Thius cult spread from baby-lon to Pyhnisshia, and it grew to Bell worship. Then on to Pergummum.

Rev 2:13, G-d calls Pergimmum “as Satan’s seat”

This “bell worship” taught salvation came by worshipping the mother child cult (mary and Jesus) , by sacraments (good works) and by the sprinkling of water. (catholic Christening). They also taught pergatory, a waiting room for heaven. The thief on the cross was told “THIS DAY you will be with me in paradise” Not a few years later. That thief was the first one to go to heaven by the blood of Jesus. There is no pergatory. Your last breath here is your first breath there. Catholics still teach these today.

Sammarimus taught her son was killed by a wild boar hunting. She had the temple servants feast 40 days. They now call this lent.

Then she taught her son Tammus was resurrected. They called it Ishtar, a spring feast. Today its known as Easter. How did they celebrate? Exchanged brightly colored eggs as a symbol of life out of death. So, celebrate Tammus at easter…or Jesus at Passover.

Samarimus said her son Tammus was born in mid winter and brought the pagan evergreen tree as a symbol of life. Today we call it a Christmas tree. Jesus was born during Succot. Celebrate Tammus at Christmas, if you wish. (more on the tree in Jeremiah 10)

The Roman empire had a religious crown given to the Ponifas Maximus, today it is known as Pope. 312 AD, in one day every one in the Roman empire was considered a Chrisitan. The edict of toleration came. No repentance, they worshipped the mother child cult, they had the same idols, the emporer, the pope, no confession of sin, did not accept Jesus, removal of sin by sacrement not by blood, still went to cathedrals. Continues to this day under Ponifas Maximus, the Pope.

This system is the Mystery Beast of revelation 17. You already see the hatred of Europe for America. John said she holds in her hand a cup full of the blood of the saints. Because Roman church sponsored killings of Jews and early Christians. Rev 17 says she sits on 7 mountains. Like Rome. This IS the Religious Baby-lon. Fits all prophesy.

Political Baly-lon on Euphrates river is Iraq…but it will not be rebuilt. Isaiah 13:9 confirms this. As does Jeremiah 50:39.

It is a doctrine of demons….a way not approved by G-d I assure you. Leave the Catholic church. I don’t say this to make you feel bad. I want you all saved! I was a Catholic for 16 years. Many great people! Just a bad system. Love you!

So, here is a theory about Catholics fulfilling Revelation 17. Could they be the beast system?
Give it up David you won't win

God Bless You
Reply:Read Hislop's Book!

Honestly, Hislop was a horrible scholar, even for the 1820's. Read his book, go down to the Borders and get a book on Babylonian/Sumerian mythology, and see if his theories hold water. When his book was published, the ancient Babylonian Empire had just been discovered, most of the language had yet to be deciphered, and the Sumerians would not be discovered for another 100 years. And even at that his conclusions were rejected by every scholar who encountered them (by Hislop's own admission). Even his mentor disowned him when he published the Two Babylons.
Reply:That was interesting. I am a Christian and was wondering why you write GOD likeG-D?
Reply:Questions like this make me wonder if more than 10% of protestants have a clue about the history of their denomination.
Reply:First off, I must admit that you are one of the few Yahoo Answers members whose questions I follow on a regular basis for entertainment purposes. Your Q %26amp; A are at times so over the top, I laugh out loud (beats tears, right?) when reading them.

I have been a spectator until now as typically there is another member who usually echos my sentiments in written form in response your particular brand of sacharin sweet doctrine.

Today I had to answer myself as you unwittingly cracked the funniest religious joke I have seen thus far in the new year.

You refer to Catholocism as a Mother/Son Cult.

How could any member of Jews for Jesus (or Messianic Jews as you also call yourselves) throw the word "Cult" around with a straight face?

To all devout Christians out there I am not referring to you. Evangelical Christians may at times be heavy handed, but they are preaching from their hearts and truly believe that spreading the gospel to others is their responsibility. You may not agree with the message, but their underlying motivation seems pure. When a born again Christian tells me they want to save me from burning in Hell, I am not onboard, but I have respect for the straightfoward nature of their message.

Not so from the group our friend David here belongs to. Jews for Jesus take the "back door" by using deception in order to gain members. When Christians join this group in order to embrace their Old Testament roots, I understand it seems harmless, but have a better idea:

If you are wondering about Jewish beliefs, life, customs, holiday celebrations and tradition.....Just ask a Jew (I am available), not a group of tricksters who prey on unsuspecting college age Jewish kids (who lacked a stong religious life while growing up) by basically telling them "Haven't you heard, it's perfectly natural for Jews to accept Jesus as their savior?"

I ask Christians looking for a place to show their love for Jesus to join a true Christian Bible congregation without soiling their hands or sullying their reputations by taking part in a sham.

Evidently the glass house dwelling-stone thrower who posted this "question" should know better and mind his own glass house before attacking his neighbors.

Keep up the good work David. You are a living billboard of why people should steer clear of Messianic Jews for Jesus.

Besides, a legitimate Christian group that celebrates Jewish Holidays, observes the Jewish Sabbath and practices Jewish dietary laws already exists. They are called 7th Day Adventists.They worship Jesus, study Old and New Testament teachings, but manage not to come off like clowns. Here is their website.

Reply:No David, you know what the beast system is? It'll be the beast that comes out from inside everybody, spewing their vile hatred on each other in the process of trying to find their ticket to Heaven.

Just watch it happen when the apocalypse comes.
Reply:Not sure how you expect someone to respond to each and every thing you wrote, given how long it is?

How about breaking your messages up so that they only cover one issue each?

PM me if you want to debate. I'm a Catholic who dabbles in apologetics.

Reply:That is a twisted view of the truth, IMO. Catholicism is not a "mother child cult".
Reply:At best, your "article" is purely your own (or your church's) view of revelation 17. Although I will never be again catholic (I was), I could not say the same as I would never be friends with its members. Ever wondered why the bible is mostly cryptic in telling who is who or which is which in its prophecies in the revelation? the revelation could have easily said: "beware of the incoming catholic church" or, look out for man to be named "bill gates" coz he'll be the 666..." We can't play more than god when he himself did not "anoint" some entity to play the beast or 666 in the future. He just left us with the signs. And with our precious gift of freewill, to discern and decide to be either "for the beast", or "against the beast." You can't have more enough time to decide by then!
Reply:I agree with Atlas
Reply:Apart from the fact that you already answered your own question, you also failed to indicate the source of your interpretation. Did you arrive at the conclusions independently? I am asking this question because all the non-denominational commentaries I checked all say the events mentioned in the chapter already happened. The harlot referred to is no other than pagan Rome. There is nothing in Revelation 17 which points to the Roman Catholic Church as the harlot.

Let us not forget that the book of Revelation is not a book of desolation but a book of consolation. John's visions were designed to assure persecuted Christians of his day that the Roman Empire will be destroyed.

May the Lord's peace be with you.
Reply:I would get away from this philosophy. It is full of holes and is not Biblical. You are going nowhere (and fast). Focus instead on what Jesus actually said and live your life according to the simple principles contained in the Bible.

You are misusing scripture to support a political ideology.
Reply:%26gt;%26gt;Leave the Catholic church. I don’t say this to make you feel bad. I want you all saved! I was a Catholic for 16 years.%26lt;%26lt;

That's funny; I used to be a fundie nutjob who believed the same crap you do, and now I am Catholic.

Dog Teeth

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