Revelation 18:9-10 says ""When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry:
" 'Woe! Woe, O great city,
O Baby-lon, city of power!
In one hour your doom has come!'
Revelation refers to 2 Baby-lons, a religious system and a political system. I will show you why the religious system is Vatican City.
Beginning of Catholicsm was in Rebellion. Genesis 10:6 talks about Nimrod and Babel. They went east, as far from the the light of G-d as they could get.
In Genesis 11 they sought another way to G-d. They wanted to build a city that reached heaven. Like catholics feel their good works can save them, when the Bible says you MUST be born again.
Nimrod married Samarimus. She saw herself as G-d and her son Tammus as the Messiah. They made themselves the object of worship. The woman holding the baby was the symbol of this mother child cult. This symbol is still used by the Catholic church today, as Mary and Jesus.
Samarimus saw herself as G-d and taught that she was the queen of heaven. Thius cult spread from baby-lon to Pyhnisshia, and it grew to Bell worship. Then on to Pergummum.
Rev 2:13, G-d calls Pergimmum “as Satan’s seat”
This “bell worship” taught salvation came by worshipping the mother child cult (mary and Jesus) , by sacraments (good works) and by the sprinkling of water. (catholic Christening). They also taught pergatory, a waiting room for heaven. The thief on the cross was told “THIS DAY you will be with me in paradise” Not a few years later. That thief was the first one to go to heaven by the blood of Jesus. There is no pergatory. Your last breath here is your first breath there. Catholics still teach these today.
Sammarimus taught her son was killed by a wild boar hunting. She had the temple servants feast 40 days. They now call this lent.
Then she taught her son Tammus was resurrected. They called it Ishtar, a spring feast. Today its known as Easter. How did they celebrate? Exchanged brightly colored eggs as a symbol of life out of death. So, celebrate Tammus at easter…or Jesus at Passover.
Samarimus said her son Tammus was born in mid winter and brought the pagan evergreen tree as a symbol of life. Today we call it a Christmas tree. Jesus was born during Succot. Celebrate Tammus at Christmas, if you wish. (more on the tree in Jeremiah 10)
The Roman empire had a religious crown given to the Ponifas Maximus, today it is known as Pope. 312 AD, in one day every one in the Roman empire was considered a Chrisitan. The edict of toleration came. No repentance, they worshipped the mother child cult, they had the same idols, the emporer, the pope, no confession of sin, did not accept Jesus, removal of sin by sacrement not by blood, still went to cathedrals. Continues to this day under Ponifas Maximus, the Pope.
This system is the Mystery Beast of revelation 17. You already see the hatred of Europe for America. John said she holds in her hand a cup full of the blood of the saints. Because Roman church sponsored killings of Jews and early Christians. Rev 17 says she sits on 7 mountains. Like Rome. This IS the Religious Baby-lon. Fits all prophesy.
Political Baly-lon on Euphrates river is Iraq…but it will not be rebuilt. Isaiah 13:9 confirms this. As does Jeremiah 50:39.
It is a doctrine of demons….a way not approved by G-d I assure you. Leave the Catholic church. I don’t say this to make you feel bad. I want you all saved! I was a Catholic for 16 years. Many great people! Just a bad system. Love you!
Catholicism is the Anti Christ system in Revelation. Heres why. OK??
Reply:Nerd we love you still especially the outcast, enemy and persecutor you've become no matter how heterodox.
Christ has risen!!! Report It
Reply:Have you read 'The Two Babylons'? Alexander Hislop is a bad source. All of this crap that you are advocating is baloney. Read the book for yourself! In the introduction and the first chapter he admits the following:
1) None of his contemporaries agreed with his conclusions.
2) All mythology is about Nimrod.
3) Any words that sound alike share a common meaning.
4) Any similarities between paganism and Catholicism are Catholics borrowing from pagans, and any similarities between paganism and Hislop's faith are pagans borrowing from Christians.
Additionally, Hislop wrote his book before the discovery of Sumerian civilization. Nimrod's religion predates Nimrod by almost 2000 years. There is no historical reference to Nimrod outside of two brief verses in the book of Genesis.
Reply:Your liable to get some negative feedback on this one!
But good job,That's allot of cross referencing and studying you got thru there. I'm surprised more people haven't figured this one out for them selves, but they just don't do that much reading and studying of the scriptures and take other peoples explanations at face value without researching it for them selves!
Great Job! Keep at it!!!
Reply:you talk about the anti-Christ ,but you do not mention at all
a word from jesuschrist in your opinion,you are just stuck
in the old testament rather than the new testament,and your delusional appreciation comes from connecting passages from the old testament with places or institutions that you don't see to agree,how about when the church split centuries ago?and how can you say love you,when obviously you are
creating a frictional issue,you feel rage for Catholicism,and
use the word in the Bible,or the words of God as a 'shield' disguise to let out your rage,and manipulate them to fit your
opinion,is a shame,may God have compassion of your soul.
Reply:Mr. Hislop, so nice to meet you. I thought you were dead. I'm so relieved to find that you're alive and well and still foaming at the mouth about the evil Catholic empire.
You might want to talk to your lawyer, however. . .you see, there's someone impersonating you and stealing all your skewed logic, misleading statements, and half-truths.
And that would be SUCH a loss.
Reply:Man, I feel so blessed. Some Muslim asshole just posted a huge rant like this too! And here's one from a blood-drinking anti-Catholic! It's a banner evening here at YA R%26amp;S.
Reply:When you spew that stuff, does your mouth taste like poo?
Reply:Yes as predicted I am now eating my own vomit rather than read through that lot.
Reply:Unfortunately, most people of that faith and others similar are not able to see past what they are taught from childhood and seek out answers on there own...even to confirm their beleifs they (in general) seem scared.
I suggest leaving behind, in either website links or book titles and their authors, proof to validify your claims. It may make what you want to say easier to understand, instead of people deciding that you're on some type of religious rampage. Best of luck!
Reply:You are an abomination and a lie, there is no Jew in Messianic.
A Jew would know no holier-than-thou attitude you are displaying here in pompous disgrace by defaming your fellow Xtians.
How DARE you tell ANYBODY they are not approved by G-d?! Who are YOU to say that?
How disgusting is your soul.
Reply:That's a heckova lota mental gymnastics to get to your conclusion.
Reply:Just as Thomas Jefferson called the Book of Revelation, "the ravings of a maniac...", so too is the above.
Reply:Oh look anogther chicken little.
At what point are people going to admit there is not going to be a return because THERE IS NO GOD!!!
Do Catholics adore the Virgin Mary, and consider her omnipresent, so that she can answer their prayers?
No, Catholics adore God alone, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They love and reverence the Blessed Virgin, because God honored her above all creatures by choosing her to be the Mother of His only Son. St. Epiphanius in the fourth century condemned the Collyridians, the only sect in history, who gave her divine honors, saying: "We do not adore the saints. . . . Let Mary then be honored, but the Father, Son and Holy Ghost alone be adored" (Adv. Collyrid., 29).
God alone is Omnipresent. The power of the Blessed Virgin to know our particular wants, and to answer our prayers no more implies omnipresence than my power to grant the request of a friend thousands of miles away implies my presence in that place. When Eliseus saw the ambush prepared for the King of Israel was he necessarily in Syria at the time (4 Kings vi. 9)? God can make known to His saints what we need, as we learn from His words in Job: "Go to My servant Job, and offer up a holocaust for yourselves; and My servant Job shall pray for you; for him I w:'U accept lest I deal with you according to your folly" (Job xlii. 8;. The saints see God "face to face as He is" (1 Cor. iii. 12; 1 John iii. 2), and Li seeing God, they see in Him as in a mirror all that happens upon earth.
Why do Catholics pay so much honor to Mary, when she was only an ordinary woman? Does not Catholic devotion to her detract from the worship due to Christ?
The Catholic Church has always paid special honor to the Blessed Virgin, because God honored her above all creatures by bestowing upon her the highest dignity He could confer the divine maternity. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus honored her by dwelling with her under the same roof at Nazareth for thirty years until He began His public ministry, and that He showed His love to her on the Cross, when He left her to the kindly care of His beloved disciple, St. John (John xix. 26). I could never understand how intelligent men hoped to extol the Son of God by making little of the Mother of God. We do not win the affections of our fellowmen by despising or making little of their mothers.
How can you call Mary an ordinary woman, and at the same time pretend that you have studied the Scriptures? Would God choose an ordinary woman to be the Mother of His only Son, when He had countless millions of women to choose from? The prophet Isaias spoke of her coming centuries before (vii. 14), and God sent from heaven a special ambassador to announce her supereminent dignity (Luke i. 26), and another to comfort St. Joseph in his doubting (Matt. i. 20). Both the angel and St. Elizabeth called her "blessed among women" (Luke i. 2%26amp;, 43), and her own prophecy that "henceforth all generations shall call me blessed" (Luke i. 48) is fulfilled to the letter every day by Catholics the world over.
Instead of detracting from the love of Christ, devotion to Mary increases our love for Him. The devout client of Mary is ever the strong defender of the divinity of Jesus Christ, her Son. The divine maternity, as the Council of Ephesus clearly recognized in 431, has ever been the standard of orthodox belief in the true doctrine of the Incarnation.
Love for Mary, the masterpiece of God's creation, by its very nature leads us to the love of Christ her Son. He cannot be jealous of the praise we give her, for every one of her privileges and prerogatives are His own free gift. Is the artist jealous of the praise you give his masterpiece? Is the author jealous of the praise you give his book?
Reply:That makes about as much sense as Spontaneous Generation to the Theory of Evolution. You've taken a step backwards in your religious growth hon. How painful it must be for you to think of these things all the time. It hurt my eyes to read that convolution. I hope that in your search for the truth you actually find it. Whoever taught you that was blind.
Reply:I am tired of evangelicals shoving the Bible down my throat for being Catholic! If faith alone will set me free, and I believe in Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit then I am saved too, according to your doctrine. So thanks, I'm not worried about it.
Sorry, I would also like to comment that nobody worships brightly colored eggs, trees with ornaments, or Mary. Mary is an intercessor. You should know that. You were Catholic. And if you did worship Mary, shame on you. Also, Catholics don't go through Lent saying "Oh, "whatever that guy's name was"". It is a period of self-denial, repentance, and prayer in the Catholic Church. Regardless of Roman origins, there is nothing wrong with it. The Pope is a direct successor of Peter as the head of the Church, and the Church did go through a great period of bureaucracy and politics during the time of the parish system. That's why it amazes me that many Protestants think they can revive the parish system today without corrupting the Church. Catholics don't feel like they can deny Jesus and go to heaven. We just have a very strict "don't believe in Jesus and then sit on your butt and do whatever" policy. If you can find the Catholic doctrine that says specifically, "If you go to Church everyday just to be there, and then go feed homeless people, you go to heaven," I want to see it. However, we do teach that the good man that never heard the name "Jesus" can go to heaven, it's just a whole lot harder.
Please, study the Catholic Church a little harder and accept that we are all saved.
Reply:I thought protestants didnt interpret the word of God. I thought you believed that Adam and Eve started it all and that what happened happened and there was no questioning it?! Where the hell did you come to those conclusions that thats about the Catholic church?! Your a moron.
Reply:You are twisted!!!!
Reply:And the idiotic bigotry that atheists laugh at continues.
So much for understanding, love, and justice.
Reply:it's people like you that put christianity to shame, don't you know that?
Reply:I did not read it all because that is your opinion and I will stick to believing the Church
Please do not E-mail me and try and convert me away from the Church
God Bless You
Reply:Whenever I see you, I'm reminded of that movie, The Revenge of the Nerds. That, like you, was a stupid movie.
Reply:OK. It is a PART of the beast system. I knew this, they thought to change times and laws also, they admit this..Sabbath is actually Fri sunset to sat sunset. Exodus 31:13 says sign/seal , backed up with verses for wearing the commandments as frontlets between the eyes, and binding them upon the fingers, at creation talks about God hallowing the 7th day, the only commandment that begins with REMEMBER, and Rev. 14:12 talks about those that keep the commandments, and faith of Jesus. If thats the seal of God, for certain, mainstream Christianity better find the sabbath, or they will follow the mother church ...its not gonna be pretty, and rev talks about teh beast enfocing his mark on the head or hand. Did you know that..if not,,do find it. The sabbath is a seal. I seen a freeway sign that said sunday church was the mark of the beast. They may try to force a sunday worship through government, do NOT honor it. Or you will lose all youve learned, we will have to stand up for God and his law, denying the laws of man , the tribulation will PROVE the SAINTS of GOD !! It is written,,im me sometime under this name on regular messenger, if you want to talk more scriptures. I couldnt believe the sign. I mean I do NOT know who put that sign up there !! But thats exactly what it said. One of the churches did.?
Reply:Did you ever read The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey? After I read it, my hypothosis was similar to yours.
Reply:Here is a website for you. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Catholicism is the Anti Christ system in Revelation. Heres why. OK??
christmas bell,
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